Our Services


Research and Development for Healtcare Industry

  • Design, project planning, implementation and reporting of R&D
    and product development studies
  • Formulation, bioavailability, bioequivalence, preclinical and
    clinical studies
  • Identifying national and international strategic solution partners
  • Preparation of scientific publications, technical documents
    (white paper) and presentations

Assisting Drug Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

  • Preparation of licensing/regulatory approval files and
    ° Preparation of non-clinical and clinical reports
    ° Preparation of Summary of Product Characteristics and
    Package Insert
  • Preparation of product-specific scientific reports
  • Preparation of prioritization evaluation and exceptional licensing
  • GMP prioritization
  • Application for marketing authorization
  • Early access to medicine application

Safety Assessment

  • Preparation of safety assessment and toxicology reports
  • Calculation and reporting of PDE/ADE/OEL values
  • Toxicological evaluation of impurities
  • Consultancy services in post-marketing authorization safety
  • Preparation of Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for raw materials

Market Access and Reimbursement

  • Consultancy on national and international market access and
    reimbursement system
  • Market analysis, product selection
  • Preparation of reimbursement application files for drugs/
    medical devices
  • Preparation, adaptation and reporting of pharmacoeconomic
    analyses and models
  • Budget impact analyses and reporting

Pharmaceutical Pricing

  • List price application
  • Notification and changes of reference prices
  • Studies on highlighting the clinical value of the product and
    maintaining a sustainable price level

Cosmetic Products

  • Preparation of safety reports for cosmetic products
  • Definition and evaluation of the toxicological profile of cosmetic
    product components
  • Consultancy services in cosmetovigilance studies
  • Execution of approval processes for cosmetic products in Türkiye
    and USA

Food Supplements and Athlete’s Health Products

  • Supporting of approval processes for food supplements in
    Turkey and USA
  • Consultancy on production and management processes of
    athlete’s health

Medical Devices

  • Supporting of approval processes for medical devices in Türkiye
    and USA
  • Toxicological risk assessment in medical devices
  • Preparation of Medical Device Regulation (MDR) files

Speciality services in Pharmacy

  • Strategic support for entrepreneurial pharmacists
  • Support for scientific and professional development
  • Consultancy on alignment with current health services and
    technological developments
  • Support for innovational digital health and promotion activities
    in accordance with the regulations

For Consultancy Services,
Contact Us

With our extensive years of experience in the industry, we can provide you with the best service at every stage of the drug development process. By working with us, you can minimize the risks in the drug development process and enhance the success of your product.

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